In order to set up your device for the Secure Network at school, follow the directions below.
For iOS or iPadOS (Apple)
- Go into Settings and select Wi-Fi
- Press the blue "i" next to Ithaca Secure*
- In iOS and iPadOS 14 or above, you will see an option to turn off Private Address. Turn that off and then choose Join Network at the top, using the password: theocean
For Android OS
- Go into your Settings and select your Wi-Fi Connections (might be called Network and WiFi) on your device
- Choose the Gear or three dots next to Ithaca Secure*
- Choose Advanced
- Choose Privacy or MAC Address Type
- Select "Use Phone/Device MAC"
- Now you can connect to Ithaca Secure* and type the password: theocean
For Windows 10
- Move to the bottom right corner and select the Network Center Icon (It could look like any of the three below)
- Select Ithaca Secure* and type the password: theocean
*If your device says you cannot connect to this WiFi, your device needs to be registered with the RESD using a MAC address. That can be found and sent in a tech ticket by clicking Finding My Device's Mac Address.