In order to set up your device for the Secure Network at school, follow the directions below. 

For iOS or iPadOS (Apple)

  1. Go into Settings and select Wi-Fi
  2. Press the blue "i" next to Ithaca Secure
  3.  In iOS and iPadOS 14 or above, you will see an option to turn off Private Address. Turn that off and then choose Join Network at the top, using the password: theocean

For Android OS

  1. Go into your Settings and select your Wi-Fi Connections (might be called Network and WiFi) on your device
  2. Choose the Gear or three dots next to Ithaca Secure
  3. Choose Advanced
  4. Choose Privacy or MAC Address Type
  5. Select "Use Phone/Device MAC"
  6. Now you can connect to Ithaca Secure* and type the password: theocean

For Windows 10

  1. Move to the bottom right corner and select the Network Center Icon (It could look like any of the three below)
  2. Select Ithaca Secure* and type the password: theocean

*If your device says you cannot connect to this WiFi, your device needs to be registered with the RESD using a MAC address. That can be found and sent in a tech ticket by clicking Finding My Device's Mac Address.